The longest country in Italy is in Cilento: one every 331 inhabitants

To prove the truthfulness of these data was the journalist Antonio Migliorino who intervened in radio transmissions of Caterpillar (Radio 2) and Il Geco e la Farfalla (Radio Capital).
The reporter states that Sessa Cilento is a country where every 331 inhabitant has one that is over 100 years old.
He also talked with Vladimir Luxuria.
And these are the data he collected:
“On a resident population of 1324 inhabitants – affirms Migliorino – centenarians and ultra centennials are 4 (2 male, 2 female).
Statistics for: 1 every 331 inhabitants.
Specifically: a resident of 103 years and 2 months in Sessa Cilento, a resident in the Cilento Valley 101 years and 3 months, two resident in the Santa Lucia hamlet both 100 years and 8 months.
To these are added a lady, resident in the hamlet of San Mango until a few years ago and now transferred – even in person – to another municipality in the province of Salerno, who reached the age of 103.
From 1994 until today, in Sessa Cilento, there are 12 ultra-centuries, of which the longest was a resident of the San Mango hamlet, who died at the age of 106.
Persons in the age group of 90 to 99 years are instead 32 (8 male and 24 female). For statistics: 1 every 41 inhabitants (approximately).”