Cilento: all the festivals of the months of July and August 2017

July and August are the most beautiful times of year for lovers of food and wine, and not only.
It is this month that the famous “Sagre” (Festivals) begins.
The festivals are popular local festivals and annual cadences. They traditionally come from a religious festival, at a consecration or commemorating a saint (usually the patron saint), but are also used to celebrate the harvest or promote a local food and wine product. During a festival there is usually the local fair, the market and various festivities.
The term “festival” has Latin origins, and derives from the adjective sacer acc. Sacrum (“sacro”). Likewise, the origin of the word term is Latin: it comes from festum (“sacred recurrence”, plural festival), which belongs to the same semantic log of feriae from the first Latin declination (“festive time”).
The Cilentan countries program every year such infinite appointments.
Below is the list of the most important:
July 2017
Sagra delle Patate e fiori di zucca: Acquavella on 7, 8, 9 of July 2017
Sagra dello scazzatiello castellese: Castel San Lorenzo on 14, 15, 16 of July 2017
Sassano beer fest 2017: Sassano from 19 to 23 of July 2017
Sagra dei sapori di montagna a Tardiano: Montesano sulla Marcellana from 20 to 23 of July 2017
Augustinerfest 2017: Atena Lucana scalo from 20 to 27 of July 2017
Festa della pasta artigianale: Omignano Scalo on 21, 22 and 23 of July 2017
Festa dell’olio d’oliva : Ogliastro Cilento on 21, 22 and 23 of July 2017
Festa della cipolla a Vatolla: Perdifumo on 21, 22, 27 and 28 of July 2017 and on 4, 5, 11, 12, 25 and 26 of August 2017
Capaccio porta del Cilento: Capaccio from 28 to 30 of July 2017
Festa dei ravioli e fusilli albanellesi: Albanella from 29 of July to 2 of August 2017
La notte dei mulini: San Pietro del Tanagro on 28 and 29 of July 2017
Cilento Summer Festival Food and Wine: Sicilì – fraz. di Morigerati on 28, 29 and 30 of July 2017
Festa Dello Scauratieddo: Novi Velia on 31 Luglio and on 1 of July 2017
August 2017
Tra vichi Rioni e Piazze : Massa di Vallo della Lucania on 1, 2 and 3 of August 2017
Festa della melanzana e degli antichi sapori: Abatemarco on 1, 2 and 3 of August 2017
Festa paesana cinghiale e strangolaprievati: Santa Lucia Cilento on 4, 5 and 6 of August 2017
Mojoca Festival degli artisti di strada: Moio della Civitella on 4, 5 and 6 of August 2017
Rotunella Fest : Albanella on 5, 6, 7 and 8 of August 2017
Festa del Lago: Gioi – Lago Lavinia on 5, 6 and 7 of August 2017
Festa nel bosco: Perito from 6 to 13 of August 2017
Festa dell’antica pizza cilentana: Giungano from 6 to 11 of August 2017
Viandando: Centola on 8, 9 and 10 of August 2017
Festival dell’Aspide: Roccadaspide on 11, 12 and 13 of August 2017
Festa delle bontà di bufala: Matinella from 6 to 14 of August 2017
Zomba ra ca’ e ra la’: Acquavella on 11, 12 and 13 of August 2017
Sagra ru Sfriuonzolo a San Mango Cilento: Sessa Cilento from 12 to 14 of August 2017
Strasapori: Pattano on 11, 12 and 13 of August 2017
Sagra del fusillo felittese: Felitto from 12 to 22 of August 2017
Festa del Belvedere: Gioi Cilento on 11, 12 and 13 of August 2017
I chiani in festa, Serata Cilentana: Giungatelle on 12 and 13 of August 2017
Festa dell’emigrante: Montano Altilia on 12 and 13 of August 2017
Torchiara di portone in portone: Torchiara centro storico on 12 and 13 of August 2017
Vasci, Portuni e Pertose a Ostigliano: Perito from 10 to 15 of August 2017
Sagra del capicollo e della salsiccia: Matonti from 14 to 16 of August 2017
Festa del pane e della civiltà contadina: Trentinara from 16 to 20 of August 2017
Ciccimmaretati: Stio from 17 to 23 of August 2017
Festa della patata rossa di montagna: Padula on 17, 18 and 19 of August 2017
Serate Cilentane: Pollica from 17 to 19 of August 2017
La notte del barone: Torchiara on 18 and 19 of August 2017
Re notte lo vino tenge: Pellare on 18 and 19 of August 2017
Festa degli antichi sapori: Mandia di Ascea from 18 to 20 of August 2017
Sagra campagnola a Valle: Sessa Cilento from 21 to 23 of August 2017
Il piatto del barone: Baronia di Ascea from 22 to 25 of August 2017
Festa della pizza: Castel San Lorenzo on 25, 26 and 27 of August 2017