382 thousand: this is the total number of visitors to Paestum in 2016

“The data of 2016 entries in the past few days refers to visitors to the Temples and Museum Circuit – as stated by the director of the Paestum Archaeological Park, Gabriel Zuchtriegel – – the total number of visitors, including night visitors, is 382 thousand.”
To the finish line, therefore, for the site with the three best preserved temples on the peninsula, made autonomous with the Franceschini reform, the threshold of 400,000 entries that could be passed in 2017, if you keep pace with consolidating the positive trend of recent months.
The goals for 2017, defined by the Director in service since 1 November 2015, do not only affect the increase of visitors.
“In the coming days – explains Zuchtriegel – we will meet with colleagues from the Cilento Park, the Museum and Superintendence Park to agree on an integrated strategy for the management of the UNESCO site that will involve the whole territory. All, private and private, are doing their utmost to facilitate the turning point and at the same time ensure the protection and respect of a unique cultural heritage in the world.”
These days are ending the stratigraphic digging operations that have foreseen the presence of the public: an initiative that has been very successful, followed by numerous on-site visitors and live social.
The preliminary results of these surveys – made through a sponsorship agreement with Pastificio Antonio Amato – will be presented at the beginning of February.
Archaeologists will illustrate the archaic structure (coeval at Athena’s Temple and the famous Diving Tomb) that they investigated as they descended beneath the pavement levels of a great Roman dwelling, west of the Temple of Neptune.
Source: cilentonotizie.it